Mahzad Morsali (Iran)


Venus in Jewels

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Designer biography:

Mahzad Morsali is a remarkably skilled and accomplished artist whose profound appreciation for the arts has propelled her to great heights. Through rigorous academic training at Alzahra University's Arts and Crafts Department, Mahzad has honed her talents in painting, sculpture, and jewelry design to extraordinary levels of mastery. Her work is deeply evocative, drawing heavily from her personal experiences and emotions, and has been widely exhibited on an international stage. The emergence of Mahzad's brand, "Saint," is a testament to her own resilient spirit, as it arose from moments of great challenge that she overcame by turning to her art. By means of this brand, Mahzad seeks to inspire others to discover their own inner strengths and use them to create works of profound significance.

Collection concept:

Handmade sterling silver pieces that bring pain to life by transforming it into physical objects that outshine the figure. These fragments arose from the cracks of a powerful woman's shattered heart.
β€œThe purpose of my jewelry is to help the wearer experience catharsis by telling their narrative. Saint has received judgment and hatred from those around her because she is a sinner and a villain.” -saint

Assamblage Association