Ray Zheng (UK)



Website - Instagram

Designer biography:

Ray Zheng, Jewellery maker and researcher. Born in 1997 in Urumqi, China. BA in Jewellery Design at Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology. MFA in Fashions & Embodiment at Goldsmiths, University of London in 2021. She understands jewellery as a comprehensive formulation of body/individual expression that questions value, needs, obsessions and survival. She gravitates towards methods such as documenting and performance in order to provoke conversations in social-politics and traditions.

Collection concept:

My main focus is exploring the vast potential of contemporary objects; how they function and interact with the body in different social disciplines. Jewellery is the best way of this manifestation. I am trying methods to broaden the variety of output which not only can be worn as jewels but also adornments or artefacts with concepts of interplay. Which aims to link a maker and a wearer. My practice starts with collecting, owning and documenting objects. Which over time accumulates a complex system of materials, behaviors and narratives intermingled with social and cultural context. These elements are essential to create meaning behind jewellery and provoke conversations about material culture.

A Bore of Ring - 2- 28x30x10mm_object casting

Assamblage Association