Mihaela Ciocalteu (Romania)



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I am Mihaela Ciocâlteu and I am a jeweler. Semper Argentum is my soul brand through which I connect with lovers of unique handmade jewelry. I am part of a generation wielded by “this is how it should be”, this is what we are supposed to do”, according to rules passed over by our elders.I did not find myself, I did not adapt, I did not want to cut my corners.

I have learned to listen to my heart and soul, to develop my thoughts from a qualitative point of view.

I have learned that it is never too late or too early to want to do it, as long as you love whatever you are doing. For these particular reasons, I have started working with metals 3 years ago, experimenting and learning continuously, with the assistance and under the wing of Assamblage team. I consider myself a spoiled brat of life.It is a privilege to dream, to set goals and to fulfill them.

Collection Concept:

Memories, flavors, feelings, souls, mothers, fathers, children, spouses, grandparents. All those who love me and whom I love with much gratitude, all those beyond the times are watching me…then and now.

They are my inheritance, they will join me in the path of life,in the wicked ways of other dimensions, where we will certainly meet again.

Brooch, paper, pearls, gold, brass, stainless steel
Brooch, paper, pearls, brass, stainless steel
Necklace, paper, gold, pearls